Before, I was shy and didn't want to meet new people as I was scared of what they would think of me. Throughout the program I became more confident in myself, and learned skills to overcome my fears and anxieties. I discovered so much about myself! I now use the mindfulness techniques that Jess taught us every day.

Participant - Aged 14

Experience the transformative power of equine-enhanced mindfulness and mental wellness.

Through attunement (the embodiment of how one reacts to another living beings emotional needs and moods) participants develop a blueprint for regulating their nervous system.

Outcomes for Students:

  • Enhanced mindfulness and mental wellness.
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  • Strengthened communication and peer connections.
  • Increased social and emotional learning.
  • Skill development in self-regulation and stress management.
  • Empowerment in creating personal safety boundaries.
  • Enhanced ability to relax and manage emotions.
  • Valuable mindfulness techniques for lifelong use.

Features of the Program:

  • Five 45-minute sessions led by Jessica and a horse.
  • Customisation for different age groups and cohort needs.
  • Emphasis on confidence, communication, and peer connections.
  • Collaborative planning with Inner Rhythm to align sessions with learning areas.
  • Engaging activities, including mindfulness meditations and horse interactions.
  • Focus on self-regulation skills and nervous system control.
  • Empower students to create personal safety bubbles.
  • Expert guidance from Jessica Cody, equine-assisted therapy expert.
  • Tangible tools and techniques to bring back to the classroom.
  • Long-lasting positive impact on students’ overall wellbeing.

This unique Inner Rhythm offering has been evaluated by a psychologist and shown to significantly improve student wellbeing through raising individuals Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism (HERO) levels of young people at primary and secondary school. 

Enquire Now

Their trust and confidence grow by brushing the horse, leading them around the school yard and observing the horses’ response to their calm and regulated heart rhythms

Students learn to give and receive support and as a group create tangible goals for the horse that requires teamwork and clear communication. Life skills are enhanced through social and emotional learning.

Fill out the form below to submit an enquire and Jess will be in contact with you to discuss how we can best support your student wellbeing and improve the lives of young people at your school. 

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